Wednesday, 12 February 2020

A Wooden Gear Clock

This is my take on Brian Law's Clock #1

I converted the free pdf linked above into 3D files using inkscape and Fusion 360.  For the amount of effort involved it would be sensible to pay the man.  What can I say ?  I'm cheap and enjoy a challenge.  Also I've paid for the clock #22 plans so it's not total freeloading ☺

All gears are birch ply cut with a downcut spiral to reduce tear out.  Maple was used for the escape wheel and pawl resulting in smoother sliding surfaces than possible with ply.  The frame is oak.  The drive weight was a rolling pin in a previous life.

A good running clock doesn't rely on tight tolerances, in fact a bit of slop is necessary.  The gears don't need to be tightly meshed because there is no change in the direction of rotation.  The shafts need a bit of a loose fit in the frame due to the 'living' nature of wood  and frame sag caused by the drive weight.  This is one of the reasons why my clock uses no bearings.  The only place I did consider bearings is on the shaft supporting the drive weight.  One  place precision does matter is the bore of the escapement wheel, this bore must be as close to centre as possible.  A off centre or out-of-round escapement wheel will not provide a regular tick-tock beat and may not run at all.

Friction is the enemy.  Clocks are gear-up drive trains where wheels (the larger gear in a pair) drive pinions (the smaller gear).  Following the gear train from the large wheel at the weight pulley to the escapement wheel speed is gained through each succession of gear pairings.  This increase in speed comes at the expense of torque.  My clock powered by a 5 lb weight  can be stopped by a feather at the escapement wheel ... literally.  Friction must be reduced where ever possible and this is especially true for the top shaft where minimal torque is available.  The shaft are highly polished where free rotation is needed and the non-fixed bores are lubricated by wax crayon shavings.  Gear teeth are sanded smooth.

My clock is slightly different than the original design.  The shaft sleeves were not used.  The gears are either interference fit to the shaft or free rotating.  I'll leave the reader to figure out which fit was used on any particular gear.  The pinion on the lowest shaft has been pinned in place.  Two threaded rods tie the frame together rather than the fussy pins+pegs seen on the original.  One weak part of the original design is the pawl on the winding ratchet.  This pawl needs to be heavier in cross-section or completely redesigned.  It's holding power is marginal at best and if it slips the drive weight will crash to the floor.

   Links of possible interest:

a good explanation of clockworks

Lots of general information

A wealth of information if you dig deep enough

Forgot to mention my clock runs 9 hrs before the weight touches the floor.  Accuracy is reasonable but for time keeping
I recommend  something from Walmart.

Son of Sisyphus

I've been a longtime admirer of Bruce Shapiro's kinetic art and his marble-in-sand machines in particular.  It's now possible to buy his creations from sisyphus-industries but this is a DIY blog.  Plus I'm cheap.

Electronics to drive small stepper motors can be had for very little money thanks in large part to the 3D printer revolution.  This build uses an Arduino Uno with a cnc shield and A4988 drives.  The 3 steppers are Nema 17 and the power supply is an old computer psu.  The software is grbl using bCNC as a sender.  Grbl has the ability to slave 2 motors to 1 axis which allowed a  build with very little mechanical rigidity.
A view from below

2 motors slaved as 1 axis
The construction is very simple. Gt2 belts and pulleys, Oilite bushings on hardware store grade cold rolled steel shafts, a coil spring and a magnet.
The top side of the table has a layer of baking soda and a 3/4" steel ball. A strip of LED lights add colour and shadow effect.

Compared to the commercial offering this one is much noisier and noticeably less smooth in it's motion.  On the other hand it's much less expensive and has all the same capabilities.
first test run